Zoning / Nuisance Complaints:
What constitutes a nuisance is the excessive accumulation or storage of the following materials in the open areas of the property: dismantled motor vehicles and motor vehicle parts, tires, inoperable vehicles and/or unlicensed vehicles, debris, refuse, discarded or used building materials and household or industrial appliances.
We will take complaints from residents by following the below procedure:
* Complainant must leave name and address (phone number if you wish someone to return your call)
* Property address of nuisance.
* Anonymous complaints will not be prioritized and will be investigated when time allows.
Complaints regarding health issues, septic, rodents, etc. must be referred to the Stark County Health Department.
If you wish to file a complaint with our office, please call the zoning office at (330) 484-2501 with the above information. If we feel the complaint is a health hazard, we will forward the complaint directly to the Stark County Health Department.
Below is a list of current registered transient vendors
*Note: All door-to-door vendors must be registered in Canton Township. Please click the permit information tab for details on how to register*